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Using Ring Keypad to Open Garage Door (SmartThings ecosystem) - Part 7

Getting Some Real Data & Hooking into SmartThings APIs

So, some basic things are working and I'm getting more comfortable with Vue, js/ts, pinia, aws, etc. I've mocked out some data, but now I want to start organizing the UI and giving the user the ability to connect to a SmartThings Account, Add/Remove Locations, Add/Remove Devices (Locks) as well as show basic info about those things.

I'd really like to get OAuth flow working with SmartThings, but for now... to get used to calling their API and data structure and how I want to organize it, I'm going to use my existing development BearerToken.

I also want to get basic layout structure done without spending a lot of time figuring out web UI layout. I seem to dig into that every year or 2, brush up on some html tags and a bit of css, then don't directly use it for a long time and forget it all. Sigh. I have some UI mockups from a month or so ago, so I'm revisiting those.

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