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Using Ring Keypad to Open Garage Door (SmartThings ecosystem) - Part 5


Life has been busy. I've also been putting some time into this project, but not a lot. I don't have a lot of details, but here's what I've been up to, mostly around trying to get the Vue UI to get data from the dynamo db (vue -> api gateway -> lambda w/ cognito authentication). The things I struggled the most with:

  • CORS. What a pain. Interaction between APIGateway and lambda function is confusing. Apparently the behavior is different between HTTP and REST apis, and sometimes honored and sometimes not (there were many times where I thought I cracked the code, to then have a refresh break it again). I'm sure it is just my ignorance, but this was very frustrating. I spent (wasted) so much time on this but have something that sorta functions right now. I understand CORS (or really SOPs) are a browser-enforced thing but it was annoying to not be able to use tools like postman to figure out what is going on (wrong).

  • Authentication. I'm using Cognito as my authentication service. I thought it would be easy to hook that up to the API Gateway/lambda function under the Amplify tool/environment. It was not. After trying hundreds of wrong combinations I finally stumbled upon the fact that I had to create a Cognito Pool Authorizer.

...then specify that as the authorizer for the endpoints. I spent so much time trying to use the default IAM (and incorrect) option.

Now that I can see the end-to-end flow better, I want to restructure my Cognito configuration and dynamo db data. This is why I like to work from both ends and work to the middle on things that I don't really understand. It would be a waste of time and effort to come up with a "perfect" solution on one end only to realize that there is a huge impedance mismatch with the other end and either end up building wonky converters or rewriting that "perfect" solution.

  • Cognito changes: Include a name (not just an email), as well my own User Id. The sub field will give me a specify user id, but I've been trained/burned to use my own IDs... maybe i'll just live with it since it is an uuid. It looks like I will have to create a new Pool to make any configuration changes. Annoying, but OK -- I'd like to rename it to be more easy to identify anyway.

  • Dynamo db changes: figure out the right partition and sort keys to use. My query right now has to use a scan (not query) because of how the data is structured and how I set it up initially, which is not as performant as it could be (who cares when I have 1 doc in there right now), but as I understand it, it could become expensive too as the number of documents increases (RCUs).

I'm not quite ready to have a dev & prod environment yet, but I'm getting close. Well, phrased a different way... I want multiple environments so that I can start using the building blocks I have so far in "prod" - however clumsy it might be -- without fear of future development breaking something. But I want to do a lot of rework/refactoring before crossing that bridge.

I also want to explore Pinia for state management in the app, and to start structuring the UI code a bit better. Right now I feel like it is all kind of a jumble of junk.

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