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Using Ring Keypad to Open Garage Door (SmartThings ecosystem) - Part 6

Modifying/Updating the Cognito User Pool

It wasn't as easy as I hoped, but still got it done in about an hour.

  • You cannot MODIFY the User pool to have additional sign-up required fields. I knew this going in.

  • I manually configured a new Cognito user pool via aws console

    • required a nickname to be provided

    • added optional custom field for userId

  • Again, trial-and-error, but the thing that worked was using the commands:

    • amplify remove auth (was scary)

    • amplify import auth (much easier than I thought, only needed to provide the pool id and everything else was automatic)

    • amplify push

  • Used my UI to create a new user

    • Worked great, although I need to figure out how to hook in to provide the custom:userId attribute during (or right-after) sign-up. This new user has a null value for that field right now.

  • Tried to query data

    • failed; sort-of expected that.

    • Needed to change the Cognito User Pool in use by the API Gateway Authorizer. I changed this several times (+ deploying the api) and it just wouldn't work -- kept getting 401 responses. Until one time it did, and has been working since then.

    • Even after that, querying data in the lambda didn't work because the user Sub id was different (of course) -- simply modified the data and that started working (note: changing the data structure / partition key is one of the next steps, but was not tackled as part of swapping out the Cognito User Pool)

    • Deleted the old Cognito User Pool (I hate clutter -- leads to too much reading, potential mistakes, more aws $, etc).

    • Tidied up the UI a bit (where I was displaying a user name from the data before, I changed it to display the nickname from the Cognito account).

    • About 8 commits/pushes in git (small incremental changes...)

That's enough for today.

Next Step thoughts:

  • How to generate my own userId and store on Cognito record during sign-up

  • Give the ability to change user name to the user (update cognito record).

  • Restructure Dynamo DB

  • Pinia state management

Quick Follow-ups:

  • ✔️Generating my own user Id was fairly easy. Key bits:

  • ✔️update user name in cognito. Was pretty easy. Basically Auth.updateUserAttributes.

  • ✔️Restructure dynamo db QUERY was pretty easy, as well as querying based on my custom user id. RCU for each query went from 2 to 0.5. $$$. I still need to look at my data access patterns and create a better overall dynamo db structure

  • ✔️Implemented Pinia but need to improve access patterns.

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